Dream Career - Coaching Program: create a career you love.

A one-on-one coaching program designed to give you the tools, support and steps to land a job you love and create a professional life that pays in ways beyond money in 12 weeks.

Book a discovery call

Dream Career- Coaching Program: create a career you love.

A one-on-one coaching program designed to give you the tools, support and steps to land a job you love and create a professional life that pays in ways beyond money in 12 weeks.

Book a discovery call

Calling all ambitious, talented professionals. Time to get off the merry-go-round of unfulfilling roles and create a career you love.

Truth bomb time. 


We all want to live an authentic, successful life, but the path to get there can be befuddled by doubt, uncertainty and feel like we're going in circles.

The Dream Career Coaching Program is designed to clear the clout and move you towards a fulfilling career without wasting months on a painful job hunt or compromising and waiting for things to get better on their own.

I'll help you connect with your true self and desires and bridge the gap between knowing what you want and the steps to get there, no matter where you’re at.

And I’ll be there with you every step of the way. 

Let's get to work

If you’re ready to:

  • Work on your mindset, confidence, and bust through limiting beliefs.

  • Dig deep and gain clarity on what you’re great at and what you want out of work and life.

  • Open yourself up to new possibilities.

  • Take action to improve your career for the better.

  • Step out of your comfort zone and be seen and heard by the right people, for the right reasons.

You’ve come to the right place.

For 3 months, I’ll be by your side as coach/mentor/wingwoman/whatever!, helping you land your dream role. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re a new starter, leader or mid-level manager, one thing is clear: we all deserve to spend our time doing work that energise, fulfils and pays us well. Now’s the time to go after it.

No more dreading Monday’s, complaining about your job to friends and family and stifling your personality in a role that’s not aligned to who you are. You’ve already got what it takes to get where you want to go, you just need to know how to harness it.

“I believe ‘crazy dreams’ are completely realistic. If you’re committed to them.”


Hands up if this is you?


You desperately want a clear vision. You know what you don't want - ending up in another role that makes you miserable, and you’re determined to find out what will make you happy.

You crave positive change. You’ve played things safe before, now you’re ready to get to work and unleash the potential you’ve always believed is there. 

You want to feel inspired at work. You want to work in a company that lights your inner spark, with people you respect, in a culture and environment that suits you. But first, you need to figure out what that looks like and be clear on your values.

You’re ready to be seen and heard. Putting yourself out there, building your network and getting known by the right people for the right reasons is key to creating change, but you need some guidance and support to help you get there.  

You’re ready to be more proactive. You’ve been firing off applications for advertised roles and getting nowhere fast. You know you need a smarter and more strategic approach, but right now, you don’t know where to start.

You want to get paid you’re worth. Interview stages and salary negotiations instantly bring out the sweat in you, but you know with the right guidance you can get through it without the ick so you get paid you’re worth.

I can help with all of this. Let’s get to work.


You spend half your waking life at work you deserve to love it.


Book a discovery call


 The Dream Career Coaching Program

The ultimate private coaching program for people who are ready to move into a career that pays in ways beyond money.

The Dream Career Coaching Program works hard to help you...

  • Bust any limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

  • Understand your unique values to achieve your goals and find a fulfilling, purposeful work-life.

  • Unlock greater confidence, purpose and joy, on and off the clock.

  • Develop a powerful positioning to showcase your individual value to potential employees and stand out from the crowd.

  • Become a confident connector that gets noticed by the right people for the right reasons.

  • Perfect your job application process so you’re consistently putting your best foot forward.

  • Transform your interview and salary negotiation skills to progress your career.

  • Attract like-minded employees that respect what you do and are aligned with your values.

  • Finally, land a job you love and one that pays in ways beyond money.

"Knowing what you want is the hard part. But at the end of all these thoughts is a path forward." 

The Dream Career Formula


Define your vision of success

When we understand our WHY, we can find our WAY, and that’s where I come in. We go deep, to figure out what you love doing and connect the dots between your experience and your goals. You’ll tap into potential beyond your wildest dreams and start seeing possibilities for a fulfilling career, while setting clear priorities to focus on.


Research how you could make that vision of success happen

Being inspired by others in roles that we aspire to is a great motivator and source of learning. Here we lay the groundwork for a successful job search and networking strategies by investigating companies that might be a good fit for you and looking at people who already work in roles you might enjoy.


Evolve your brand

Through transformational positioning and personal brand work, we’ll work together to perfect your profile and showcase your accomplishments so you can confidently connect with relevant employers and contacts.


A+ your job application materials

Say hello to a new, bold and captivating resume, cover letters, online profiles and LinkedIn page, and making the right impression on potential employers. Along with my guidance and support to create compelling job application materials you’ll have full access to my tried-and-tested library of templates to help you apply for roles and connect with potential employees in a way that feels natural and values aligned.


Make your move to connect with the right people and companies

Learn to network with ease – not cringe!, and build a new level of confidence. I’ll work with you to stay upbeat as you attend interviews, and negotiate offers providing support every step of the way. As part of our work together, you’ll also learn to leverage the power of LinkedIn to grow your network and attract aligned opportunities and dream employees.


Hi, I’m Adele!

I’m a coach, entrepreneur, educator and speaker that’s obsessed with helping ambitious people like you, move into a career you love, doing what makes you happy.

I also know that this is easier said than done.

Trust me when I say: I’ve been where you are. 

Before finding a professional space I could thrive in, I was frustrated as hell.

It took the better part of a decade before I worked out what I wanted and found the guts to go for it. 

This process of discovery is what inspired me to create The Dream Career Coaching Program, an immersive 12 week course that encourages others to stop playing it safe and find success and joy through work.

So, if you’ve got a feeling you’re meant to achieve more in your career, the time is now.

Let’s turn those idle thoughts into meaningful action and get you where you wanna go.

Ready to get started?

Book a discovery call
"The Dream Career Coaching Program is a culmination of my experience working in recruitment, LinkedIn expertise and personal branding and development background. It’s the complete package to help you bring your dream career to life."

Here's how it works

This one-of-a-kind private coaching program leads you through my signature Dream Career Formula over 12 weeks, so you can transition from “I need a new job...” to “I’m so excited about my new role” in record time.



And I'll be there every step of the way:

  • Challenging you to think deeply about yourself and beyond your comfort zone, in order to transform everything else around you.
  • Supporting, encouraging and reassuring you on your journey - as your #1 cheerleader.
  • Helping you to put things in perspective and break patterns and habits that aren’t serving you. 

During this time you'll receive.

  • 6 x 1-hour coaching calls over 12 weeks (the exact dates of the calls are flexible to suit your schedule).

  • Personalised career clarity and discovery assignments to speed up your path to your perfect position.

  • Career vision and values exercises to ensure that your next career move is 100% aligned with your passions and beliefs.

  • Success strategy roadmap creation to give you a step-by-step action plan to follow in both the short-term and the long-term.

  • Career brand maximiser training where we’ll develop your elevator pitch, positioning statement, and all the materials you’ll need to stand out as a candidate.

You'll also get the added bonus of...


Phone and email access

I’m here during business hours Monday-Friday as an extra pair of eyes to check your updated bio or email to a prospective employee before you hit publish or send – whatever you need.

Networking and application templates

Access to tried-and-tested templates to help you apply for roles and connect with potential employees in a way that feels natural and values aligned.

Interview and salary negotiation training

Expert guidance to help you prepare for the interview process – plus learn how to negotiate your salary and benefits minus the ick and without undervaluing yourself. 

Personality and psychometric profile report

A bespoke psychometric report to help you identify what type of work, work culture and environment will make you happy so you can line up your next career move with ease.

Dream Career 1:1 Coaching Program

  • 6 x 1-hour one-on-one coaching calls with Adele Leah
  • Personalised ‘Career Clarity and Discovery’ assignments
  • ‘Career Vision and Values’ exercises
  • ‘Success Strategy Roadmap’ creation
  • ‘Career Brand Maximizer’ training
  • The 4 Step LEAH LinkedIn Leverage Formula
  • Phone and email support
  • A complete template library for all your job search communication needs
  • Interview and salary negotiation training
  • Personality and psychometric personality report
Your investment: 
'The Dream Career Coaching Program' -

All this for $2,222


3 x payments of $749 USD per month

It's your time to land a job you love.

Book a discovery call

Just picture.

  • Being excited to start your working day and ending it feeling fulfilled and inspired.
  • Spending your days doing work you genuinely enjoy and brings out the best and authentic side of you.
  • Feeling genuinely connected to and appreciated by your co-workers and the people you collaborate with.
  • Being astonished at how quick and easy the transition was from your "meh" old job into the career of your dreams.

Sound good? Here are your next steps.

Schedule a free, no-obligation discovery call with me. During our chat, we'll unpack your goals and find out if we’re a good fit to work together. If everything looks great, we’ll be on our way!

Book a discovery call

This program...

Is 100% for you, if:

  • You're ready to do inspiring things with your career
  • You know you're meant for more with your work, but need a helping hand to accomplish that
  • You're done with letting other people's opinions, expectations, and beliefs shape your career choices
  • You're eager to decide what you want and come up with a strategic, step-by-step plan to make it happen 
  • You don't want to waste time on guesswork or getting things wrong - you want to do this for real and do it right

Won't be your cup of tea, if:

  • You're not prepared to dig deep and consider what you want for your career
  • You prefer making excuses about "the tough job market" and "unhelpful recruiters" over taking action
  • You're willing to show up for coaching calls but not put in any further effort 
  • You're happy to stay where you are, complaining but comfortable, in your current role

Put it this way.

If you want to feel empowered to take your career to the next level and start moving towards your dream career with 1:1 tailored support… There’s no time like the present.

Book a discovery call