Step Up, Stand Out & Shine

Build a profitable personal brand with this small high-touch, group coaching program that takes creative professionals and business owners from the back of the room to the front in six weeks. Starts 4 November 2024.

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Step Up, Stand Out & Shine

Build a profitable personal brand with this small high-touch, group coaching program that takes creative professionals and business owners from the back of the room to the front in six weeks. Starts 4 November 2024.

Join the waitlist

Learn how to make waves and be recognised as an expert in your field so you can hit the next level in your business or career.

Mentally put your hands up if you're...

  • A creative professional, leader or business owner looking for clients who are aligned to your values and actively seek you out? 

  • Wanting to instil confidence in your team and leaders to harness their magic to feel confident in themselves, create great work and attract new clients?

  • Looking to become a thought leader in your industry and attract people who understand the value you bring

  • Ready to become more visible, share your expertise and turn connections into clients or collaborators?  

Funnily enough, I can fix this.

Working together, I’ll help you step up, stand out and enter a *shiny* new chapter in your professional life that pays in more ways than money.

Truth bomb time.


A powerful personal brand will boost your business and build your career. Add a smart business strategy and the untapped potential of LinkedIn into the mix and BOOM: success even your spreadsheet couldn’t account for.

If you’re ready for more work, visibility and recognition, which will lead to more…

  • Calls and bookings
  • Opportunities, aligned clients and partnerships
  • Impact
  • Financial freedom
  • Improved ROI from your team
  • Stronger collaboration and company culture
  • And time…

...Then this program is for you.

I’ll help you and your team zero in on your unique genius (aka authenticness) to unlock your full potential.

By applying my tried-and-tested LinkedIn LEAH Leverage Formula, you, your team and business will FINALLY be able to stand out from the pack, reach your goals and attract the kind of success you’ve been working serious overtime for.



Step Up, Stand Out & Shine is an intimate group space where you can build a truly powerful and magnetic personal brand.


We start with powerful personal branding work, uncovering your skills and strengths - your secret sauce - and crafting a next-level bio. You’ll then apply game-changing networking techniques to leverage LinkedIn - calling in connections and converting them to paying clients, and creating exciting new opportunities getting booked as a guest on your favourite podcast or being invited to speak at an industry conference. Forget time-sucking social media posting where you cross your fingers and hope for the best. Instead, you’ll become crystal clear on who you want to target and how to do it. Your new stand out brand will see you shine online as the thought leader and go-to expert you know you can be. 

What are you waiting for?
It’s time to light that inner spark...

Inside Step Up, Stand Out & Shine.


By harnessing The Shine Effect Framework, my clients have been able to build a powerful brand story that has led them to: 

  • Be tapped on the shoulder by the likes of Twitter, Netflix and Amazon for amazing contract opportunities.
  • Secure speaking and podcast gigs where they were positioned as a thought leader in their industry.
  • Get approached for highly-paid retainer work on top of their 9-5.
  • Attract well-aligned partnerships and investments to build and grow their business.

Alongside this framework, all members gain access to my fail-proof LinkedIn LEAH Leverage Formula. 

This process has seen me start-and-scale two successful businesses from the ground up and grow a coaching business which attracts 80% of clients organically from LinkedIn — seriously.

This hustler of a framework has even helped my clients:

  • Get known by the right people for the right reasons through powerful connection-building.
  • Bring in consistent leads for their business.
  • Build their business from the ground up to double. their corporate salary in a matter of months. 
  • Develop highly effective social strategies to grow their networks, businesses, and job-prospects. 

Reflect. Act. Attract. 


If you’re a creative person, leader or business owner ready to delve deep and make yourself known, then this 6-week group coaching course is for you. With Step Up, Stand Out & Shine you’ll become the go-to expert and thought leader everyone else has been looking for. Starts 4 November 2024.

Join the waitlist

Ever dreamt of having...  

  • A constant flow of well-suited clients?
  • A tap on the shoulder from your dream company/client?
  • Speaking on podcasts booked by other high-profile hosts and organisations?
  • Your words in print in a respected industry publication?
  • More time for the work you’re meant to do?
  • Moving your business from good work to award-winning work?
  • Meeting more than your monthly sales target, every month?


Well, The Shine Effect strikes again.  

Your uniqueness is the reason people want and love to work with you and your team. The Shine Effect is where we put the spotlight on it and channel your personal power and energy to help you stand up, stand out and get the most out of your career. 

No more cringey posting or cold call emails, hoping the right clients will find you and reach out. It’s time to focus your efforts for the results (and praise) you deserve.

Let's get your shine on.


With my powerful personal brand Shine Effect Framework you’ll discover how to:

  • Step out of the shadows and into your superpowers 
  • Up-level your confidence to stand out from the crowd and stop playing small
  • Network with ease - not cringe! - for a consistent flow of clients coming to you.

You’ll walk away with:

  • A new level of confidence and know-how to cut through the noise and catapult your personal brand out to market - where it deserves to be
  • A bold and captivating LinkedIn profile that ensures you get seen, heard and found online by your dream clients
  • My fail-proof LinkedIn LEAH Leverage Formula - all the tools, templates and networking techniques so you can take your business to the next level.

Here's the thing


This isn’t just another group training talking about personal branding. No way! It’s a live and fully interactive program where we roll up our sleeves and do the work - together. 

Following a tested step-by-step process and workbook, we’ll jump in feet first from the get-go. As a group, we’ll uncover our gold, define it to master our magical marketing message and build our stand-out bios. From there, it’s time to start calling in dream clients! 

During each session, you’ll take aligned action that moves you closer to becoming the thought leader you know you’re meant to be deep down. This coaching program isn’t for the faint-hearted, because it really is about taking action. But if you need a confidence boost first, I can help with that. I’ll share the tools you need to manage your mindset and bust through any limiting beliefs that might be holding you back.

I’m so excited for the possibilities in your future once you step into your uniqueness.


Just like... 


"I landed retainer-based clients to set up as a consultant before even handing in my notice."


Siobhan, Director


"Adele isn't your average coach – she's more like a sparkly unicorn sprinkling glittery wisdom wherever she goes. Plus, her wit is sharper than a ninja's sword and her accent is like ear candy. You can't help but fall in love with her as she reminds you to fall back in love with yourself and your natural gifts/superpowers." 


Abbey, Online Business Manager

"I had more clients than I knew what to do with after leaving my corporate job to become a consultant - including my old company who contacted me and offered me a very lucrative contract role."


Matt, CEO

Imagine how great it would feel:

  • To be called or booked by your dream clients and not have to chase work  
  • To be asked to contribute a quote, article, to speak at an event or on a podcast
  • To know you’re doing the work that lights you up, so you literally see yourself shine and attract more work - creating a bigger impact and helping more people. 

And imagine... 

Never again having to waste time posting on social media hoping for the best or, even worse, trying to master a dance move for a reel hoping it will attract aligned clients (even though it feels uncomfortable and awkward.) 

Step Up, Stand Out & Shine will help you develop an authentic personal brand so bright it attracts a consistent flow of good fit clients. You’ll also learn my LinkedIn LEAH Leverage Formula, the only business development sales structure and lead generation technique you need to build your brand and boost your business using LinkedIn.

Let's get your shine on. Join the waitlist.


Will you be joining us?  


If you're a courageous creative leader or business owner wanting to be seen, heard and paid right, my Step Up, Stand Out & Shine course is here to make it happen.

Working together, I’ll help you identify and exercise your unique skill set to become the go-to person in your team, business and industry.

You’ll get insider LinkedIn knowledge and strategies that have helped me for 10+ years to: build multiple, successful businesses and consistently attract new opportunities and clients, without spending a darn cent on ads.

So, if you think you’re the next creative trailblazer or thought leader, here’s the time to prove it. There are 10 spots available in my next 6-week program, starting 4 November 2024. Will one of them be yours?

Join the waitlist
Adele's program and LinkedIn expertise resulted in a role I never imagined possible and a unique business opportunity. She boosted my confidence, helped me see the big picture and showed me how to go for it. I highly recommend her.


Mark, Business Development Specialist

Here's what we'll be covering:


The Shine Effect Framework



Build your own vision of success. Get crystal clear on what you bring to the market, who you serve and how.



Step up into your fullest potential, build your confidence, manage your mindset and validate your value. Open your mind to fresh possibilities. 



Map the market, profile prospects and partnerships and grow your network to become known by the right people for the right reasons.



Through transformational positioning and personal brand work, perfect your profile to share your message and stand out online as the go-to expert.



Build your community, and pitch, present and convert clients ready to buy your services.

Your weekly schedule

Go from the back of the room to the front in six weeks.

Bonuses (because you deserve it)


Market Mapping and Partnership Planning session

In this 60-minute session, you’ll use the power of LinkedIn to map the market, segment your customer and client base and identify potential key partnerships. Get a clear picture of the landscape in your space, up-to-the-minute knowledge and a hot client list ready to attract and call in.

Valued at $399 USD

Calling in Connections collaborative session

What good is all this know-how without action? Getting the results you want for your business depends on you - and the aligned action you take to make the magic happen. 

In this bonus week, we’ll get together for 60-minutes of purposeful action-taking. Together we’ll put ourselves and our brands out there, and call in ideal connections on LinkedIn. You'll leave this bonus session energised, confident and excited about future possibilities.

Valued at $299 USD


A* LinkedIn Level-Up training

Leave this training armed with a standout LinkedIn profile that looks great, is searchable and compels potential clients to reach out to you.

Valued at $249 USD


6 weeks of support in a private LinkedIn group

When you join Step Up, Stand Out & Shine, you join a close-knit group of like-minded individuals on a similar journey. Post your ideas and questions in our private group for extra daily support from me and other members of our community to move you towards your big, audacious goals.

Valued at $399 USD

Adele's personal approach was the comforting support I needed when I was made redundant. Her empathy and energy kept me buoyant and focused on re-establishing my personal brand and design business


Scott, Brand Designer

A small high-touch group means you’ll get all the attention and support you need.

You can trust I’ll be right there with you, sharing my knowledge and know-how, ideas, intuition and valuable connections. Ready to experience The Shine Effect and light up as the go-to thought leader in your industry?

Yes, I'm ready to shine. Add me to the waitlist.

Hi, I’m Adele!


I’m a coach, entrepreneur, educator and speaker that’s obsessed with helping you — an emerging leader, trailblazer and thought leader — step up and shine bright, so you can attract more of what you really want. 

I believe we are all unique and deserve the chance to stand out in our space. When we do? We become a magnet for aligned clients and bold opportunities.

Connection is at the core of everything I do. During my early days in sales and recruitment, I’d spend my days pitching and presenting, starting conversations and making connections. It’s a skill that’s carried me through every leadership role since.

In an ever-changing world, there’s one thing I know for sure: human to human connection will always be key to business success.


"Step Up, Stand Out & Shine is a culmination of my experience in old-school connecting, LinkedIn expertise, business development and personal branding background. It’s the complete package to support you to build your personal brand, take it to market and bring in aligned business." 


Here’s what the radiant force of The Shine Effect Framework could do for you:

  • Bust through limiting beliefs that hold you back from stepping into your uniqueness.
  • Build powerful positioning then bravely market your value and share your message.
  • ​​Maximise your personal brand to become more marketable and - frankly - unforgettable.
  • Become a confident connector and get known by the right people for the right reasons.
  • Instil confidence in your team, own their uniqueness, perform their best and attract new clients.
  • Attract aligned clients who are a great fit for your business and understand your values.
  • Become known as the go-to expert in your field to earn more and deepen your impact.

Where do I even begin with Adele? SOOooo much goodness to capture in so few words. I feel like I walked into coaching with her as a caterpillar in the darkest cacoon and I emerged like a butterfly on steroids! I've built my own thangggg and my own tribe,  landed speaking engagements, stacked up new skills and certificates, and most importantly, carved out space to be unapologetically ALL of me.


Abbey, Online Business Manager

Want to join me for this powerful experience?


Here’s what you need to know:

  1. LinkedIn is not just for job seekers or corporate professionals. It’s a platform where you’re invited to show up as your unique self. Leave the formal language at login, and stand out as you.

  2. You don’t have to be the loudest person in the room - or platform - to be a trailblazer or thought leader. Consistently showing up as who you authentically are is the first step to creating a powerful personal brand.

Here’s why now’s a great time to join:

The reality is, LinkedIn is here to stay. It’s also one of the fastest growing content platforms, with over 8 7 million members and 2 joining every second. More than just a content platform, it’s like a search engine/business directory/mega networking event rolled into one, with a focus on finding and building connections and relationships. All of this is at your fingertips - imagine the potential!


Ready to step up, stand out and shine?

Join the waitlist


Instagram is not the only place to find clients. Learn to use LinkedIn to build your brand, client base and connections, and become the thought leader you were meant to be.


Here's what I believe...

  • You do NOT have to be a confident extrovert to build a strong, trusted network using LinkedIn.
  • Even if the idea of face-to-face networking makes you cringe, (yep, me too!) you CAN master the art of LinkedIn networking from the comfort of your own home - PJ’s optional.
  • You DO NOT need bro marketing or dance move malarkey to get seen, heard, and known as a go-to expert.
  • Your ideal clients and market are out there and waiting for you and your thought leadership.
  • The world needs you - and what you bring to it. It’s absolutely your time to shine.
Join the waitlist

Your investment

When I created this group program I wanted it to be a no-brainer affordable way to work directly with me, in a supportive, action-orientated program that takes you from the back of the room to the front in 6 weeks. With of course loads of value thrown in. Here's a reminder of what's included:

  • 5 x weekly 60-90 minute group coaching calls (recorded) plus your bonus sessions in week 6
  • 'Skills & Strengths Spotlight’ exercises
  • 'Validate Your Value' assignments
  • Tried and tested ‘Build Your Bio’ template 
  • Jam-packed workbook with guidance and exercises to draw out your gold
  • The 4-step LEAH LinkedIn Leverage Formula
  • Comprehensive swipe file/template library of conversation starters and more
  • Bonus 1: 'Market Mapping & Partnership Planning’ session (Week 6)
  • Bonus 2: ‘Calling in Connections’ session (Week 6)
  • Bonus 3: ‘A* LinkedIn Level-Up’ video training
  • Bonus 4: 6 weeks support in a private LinkedIn group 

Get all this for $1,111 (USD)


Join the waitlist

Join the waitlist


If you dream of a constant flow of aligned clients, feeling confident about who you are and your uniqueness, and getting your name out there, this is for you. If you crave more time for the work you’re meant to do, and less hustling and hoping for the best, I can’t wait to work together. It’s your time to step up, stand out and shine. Starts 4 November 2024.

Join the waitlist for early access, first dibs and special offers. 


Adele is perceptive, kind, fun, deeply honest, and generous with her time, energy, and input. As my trusted coach and mentor her unique and inspiring process is invaluable.


Stephanie, Visual Designer

Got questions?

So, you want to become a dream client magnet, a confident connector and shine as the thought leader you’re meant to be, but want to know more about the program?

Let's chat